Many of the new or remodeled homes we landscape have strong Mediterranean tones. The great thing about Arizona is that the spectrum of plant life and origin that we have to work with is seemingly endless. The above landscape features a tree from Brazil/Bolivia - Tipuana Tipu, a palm from Southwestern Europe (Mediterranean Fan Palm), a cactus from Central Mexico (Mexican Fence Post), the native Ocotillo and Golden Barrel, along with many others of course. Most require little to no water and all are easy to grow and very consistent.
This landscape is a testimony to the value of hardscapes, elevation changes, boulders, and natural materials. When I say hardscapes, I mean boulders, stone, masonry, granite, and grading. Although they require more time and resources, they are permanent and require no resources to maintain once finished. When panning a project, compare the hardscape to the base coat or primer coat in painting. With a great base, the colors, textures, and feel come through crystal clear.